Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Day 91: ‘A numb bum’

Is there nothing worse in a meeting than a numb bum?

I sat in a four hour meeting today with my mate Rich. We were in Manchester, in a rather cool cafe (far too cool for me, I felt practically medieval) having a meeting with a client about a mountain of work that’s on our way very shortly. 

Despite having two hot drinks and three glasses of water, somehow my bladder held out and I was able to maintain a constant position for the entire four-hour stretch. This turned out to be a bad decision, as by hour three, I was having to shuffle in my chair due to the distinct lack of feeling in my right butt cheek.

Twenty minutes later and I’d lost old leftie too! 

This is something that’s easily covered, until of course it’s coming to the end of the meeting, and your bladder finally calls for back-up. 

Asking where the toilets were situated, I rose from my chair, only to feel my right leg semi-collapse underneath me - the numb bum had been in situ for so long, I’d forgotten it was actually there. 

Rather awkwardly and embarrassingly, I was doing my best to try and continue the conversation, while holding on to the back of my chair, and covertly shaking my leg like a dog that’s drying its feet. After a minute of mindless babble and gentle leg kicking, my leg and butt cheek regained consciousness, and I casually, ever so cooly, made my way to the ladies. 

Hopefully I covered it well, although I have to confess to still having a small limp as I left the meeting..that’s a large area to get the blood back to!

I am hoping not to be in a meeting this long again any time soon, but the next time I find my derriere perched on an uncomfortable (yet cool and stylish) chair for more than two hours, I will find a reason to stand up and have a walk around. 

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