AS the weather has begun to warm up, I’ve noticed a few people have been busy painting their toe nails, getting ready to give their feet some air this Spring.
I myself haven’t quite got around to that yet. This is partly due to the fact that I haven’t had the time or inclination, but of course there is always the fact that painting my toe nails is much like attempting to add some polish and shine to a rusty old gate.
I have Pilling feet - as described by my mother over the years. My feet resemble my father’s, with the exception of the hairy bits, and I fully expect this similarity to continue the older my feet get.
My second toes are longer than my big toe. The shape of my feet resemble a duck’s waders, my heels wouldn’t look out of place on a cracked desert floor and my toe nails require some form of industrial strength secateurs.
Now I do paint my toe nails every now and again, possibly to try and detract from the rest of my feet, or possibly cause that’s just what we women do - realistically I’m not sure why I bother!
I suppose we all have parts of us we don’t like. Some people don’t like their tums, bums, thighs or arms, and in those cases we tend to cover up, wear things that flatter our figures. Or we do some exercise, go on a diet, use creams, lotions and potions, all of which can potentially make a difference.
But your feet. What do you do with your feet? I’m afraid as much as I don’t like the look of them, I’ve grown to accept them for their benefits.
My toes are so long I can pick things up with them, saving me bending down to pick little things up, I even have the dexterity with them to press the right button on the remote control. The width of my feet gives me excellent balance, I’ve always been good at yoga, and can hold my own standing up on a tram or bus.
So all in all, big ugly feet ain’t a bad thing - they work for Shrek, Hagrid, the Hobbitt and Big Foot, so I’m in good company!
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