Monday, 3 February 2014

Day 34: ‘Who needs the Sealife Centre?’

LAST September Mark, Erin and I went away for a few days to Whitby with my Mum and Dad.

One very wet and reasonably cold day, we decided to go and find something to do that might offer a bit of cover - and the Sealife Centre in Scarborough was suggested. 

To get the five of us in (bearing in mind one of the five was technically a half) it cost more than £50 - and Erin wasn’t really impressed! She looked at some things with a mild interest, but the majority of the time she spent in her pram, in dark rooms, attempting to see if a crab was going to pop his head out from behind a large rock.

However, over the weekend, Granny and Grandpa (also known as the aforementioned Mum and Dad) discovered a very local new theme park for toddlers - and it’s free! I know, you’re all desperate to know where this modern miracle is. Well I’ll tell you.

It’s Brookfield Garden Centre on Mapperley Plains.

Technically I know it’s not really a theme park, and I suppose as a garden centre, they do expect you to buy things, but disregarding that for a second, when you have a toddler who needs entertaining, I would recommend the following:

 - A tour of pet corner - paying particular attention to the small white rabbit who seems to have a spiky hair doo not dissimilar from Gary Barlow’s in the Do What You Like video
 - Make sure not to miss the Guinea Pigs, and definitely tap the glass shouting “greeoram”
 - Take a right into the Aquarium and you will be met with an array of tiny piddly little aquatic wonders, of all colours and shapes - perfect as it turns out for pointing and shouting at
 - And finally - my personal favourite - head off to the cafe, where you and your consistently hungry toddler can share a toasted tea cake and a cup of tea, while playing with the toys set out in the hidden kids corner.

I really couldn’t ask for any more from a garden centre! (I believe they have plants too!)

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