Sunday, 23 February 2014

Day 54: ‘Keep Britain Tidy’

THE Keep Britain Tidy campaign has been around for nearly sixty years, so why have so many people not quite figured it out yet? If you want a country that looks nice, it’s not just the job of the local council - it’s everyone’s responsibility.

There’s a reason some countries look so clean and beautiful - littering is a serious crime and there’s every chance if you’re caught, they’ll chop something off!

Despite being in the back-end of a double dip recession, on-the-spot fines for littering don’t appear to be enough of a threat for some people. I’m not suggesting we start chopping things off, I just wish people would adopt more of a moral compass.

Probably the most blatant, ignorant and common incidences of littering is people dropping cigarette butts out of car windows. My husband recently pulled up alongside a well-to-do looking woman at traffic lights who’d just deposited a fag end out of the window of her Range Rover. Not being averse to offering feedback, he wound his window down and asked her why she felt it was fair to litter the streets (possibly slightly less politely than that). Surprisingly she had the gall to respond with: “That’s not littering”, didn’t even just opt for the standard two finger salute, she actually believed she was in the right.

There are also those who drop litter within yards of a bin - who are these people? Are they enacting some sort of protest, or are they just that stupid and lazy?

Finally, the one that I can’t abide, and something that seems to be committed by a wide range of people from every walk of life, is those people who don’t pick up their dog’s poo. 

If you have a dog, then you need to pick up after them when they leave yesterday’s Baker’s Complete in the middle of the pavement, on the nicely mown verges - or even someone’s drive. 

The most ridiculous dog owners in the world are not those who dress them in hoodies, socks and leg warmers (although they come reasonably close) it’s those who go to the effort of picking up their dog’s poo..and then hanging the bag on the branch of a tree as if it’s some sort of Christmas bauble. 

When exactly do they think that bag is going to disappear and biodegrade? It’s possibly worse than just leaving the poo on the grass verge. 

Not only do I not understand the action of littering itself, I fail to understand the mentality of anyone who litters the streets (or allows their dog to), without feeling the slightest bit of embarrassment, shame or guilt. 

The perfect time for this word I feel….MORONS!!!!!

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