Thursday, 27 February 2014

Day 58: ‘The circus is in town…’

…and I couldn’t care less! 

Sounds terrible doesn’t it? For centuries the circus coming to town is supposed to have been something everyone gets excited about and thousands of people flock to see it. Maybe that is the case and I’m missing something, but I really don’t see the draw.

Even the posters (stuck to every lampost in Hucknall and Bulwell at the minute) don’t appeal to me - a big clown’s face, which I’m afraid doesn’t bring out the child in me, it brings out the terrified teenager who was once exposed to Stephen King’s ‘IT’ and didn’t sleep for a month afterwards.

Of course I know most circuses now don’t feature performing animals, but I think even the chance that they might have animals there, in potentially poor conditions,  just fills me with dread. 

Perhaps a circus is something Erin should witness, I know my grandparents took me to see the Moscow State Circus when I was little, but I do remember being a bit bored after the first few dozen acrobats had thrown themselves around a bit.

I know, I’m a heathen, but I just don’t get it!

I’d much rather take Erin to see a Cbeebies show (which will be happening in April!) or visit a farm park so she can see some real animals in their own environment. And as for the acrobatics, don’t get me wrong I find it incredibly impressive and some of the feats are jaw dropping, but I have a limited concentration span when it comes to trapezes. Erin has a limited concentration span full stop, so between us we’d be a waste of two tickets I think!

I’m never very good with any event where people turn up on a piece of land and put on some sort of entertainment - never liked the fair for example. But I’m sure I’m probably in the minority, so if you’re heading to the circus over the next couple of weeks, I hope you have a good time, just keep your beady eyes on those clowns!

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