Thursday, 16 January 2014

Day 16: ‘The mobile goldfish bowl’

I’M going to admit it…I love people watching! 

Today my ‘people watching’ fix came while driving into Nottingham for a meeting.

In a car we’re all in our own world and it’s so easy to forget you’re driving a mobile goldfish bowl - I regularly forget while singing along to the radio like I’m some sort of Mariah Carey tribute (a bad one)!

Today’s journey, for example. 

I’d hardly left Hucknall before I pulled up next to a group of girls in a white Nova - complete with those weird oversized eyelashes on the headlights. They were clearly listening to something with a bouncy tune, shamelessly shimmying and pointing to each other, with their air microphones and the occasional brass accompaniment. 

I tootled passed them smiling, as it’s something myself, Laura and Tracey have been guilty of, while en route to many a Take That extravaganza!

In contrast, while sat at the next traffic lights, I looked in my rear view mirror to see a middle-aged couple in a Land Rover, not speaking. Their vague motionless expressions were only broken by the occasional pull down of the passenger mirror, as ‘the Mrs’ attempted to squeeze a spot on her chin. Brilliantly ‘the Mr’ looked to his right, with a mix of disgust and indifference that can only come from 30 years of marriage.

Finally, and possibly my favourite, was the elderly lady on my way back. Her little legs must have been so short, she was practically glued to the steering wheel, her eyes could hardly see over the dashboard, and with neck stretched and eyes squinted, she was struggling to see the traffic lights against the low winter sunshine. 

But that wasn’t the best bit. We were side-by-side at the lights and, as I looked over a little face popped up at the passenger window - her little Yorkshire Terrier. I found myself waving at the dog, who, as the traffic moved off and she pulled in front of me, bounced onto the back seat, then up onto the parcel shelf. Wagging his tail, I like to think he waved back! 

That little critter made my day!

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