Sunday, 26 January 2014

Day 26: ‘Duty calls’

I have never really been one for computer games. I may have played the odd level of Aladdin on my friends’ (the Wiggs) Sega Mega Drive and even Superfrog - with a large old school joystick - on our Atari 1200 in the early nineties. But ever since childhood I really haven’t had an interest in the virtual world.

I suppose in my head it’s something that is reserved for children and teenagers. It would appear I am wrong. 

My husband has a Playstation 3 and I have always been aware of the shooting fest that is ‘Call of Duty’. ‘Aware’ is pretty much where the interest ends though.

Anyway, the berk’s gone and sold his original Call of Duty on Amazon (if you sit still for too long in this house, you’ll end up on Ebay or Amazon!). 

Although he set up this sale himself, the remorseful look on his face when he realised the game had to be posted to its new owner, was like a puppy who’s just had his favourite tennis ball taken away.

Two days later, the new Call of Duty ‘Ghosts’ was purchased. Mark has since been involved in some rather catastrophic wartime situations, shot a number of ‘baddies’, not to mention quite a few ‘goodies’, civilians and palm trees.

I know he’s not the only adult to be engrossed by this thumb and finger twitching phenomenon. In fact, as I understand it, this latest version of COD (as I’m apparently supposed to call it) was the biggest selling entertainment product of 2013, outstripping all blockbusting movies, One Direction albums, and even James Bond. Eh? 

I’m sure I’m in the minority in being a little shocked by this, but how many times can you shoot someone in the head, before you get a bit bored? 

I myself will be finding my entertainment in the COD of the 19th century, as I re-read Pride and Prejudice for the 15th time!

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